
Kumaon Folk Art

बेडु पाको बारो मासा 

 नरणा! काफल पाको चैत मेरी छैला

Lalit Bhatt
Lalit Bhatt

When Mohan Upreti sung it in Teen Murti Bhavan, Jawaharlal Nehru then Prime Minister of India,  chose this song as the best folk song. Mohan Upreti became popular as Bedu Pako Boy.

Kumaon, located in the lap of Himalayas is known for its rich cultural heritage, including its unique folk art forms. Kumaoni folk art is a reflection of the region’s traditions, beliefs, and way of life, and has been passed down from generation to generation.

Golu Devta
Golu Devta

Kumaoni folk art is a diverse form of art that encompasses various types of artistic expressions, such as paintings, sculptures, music, dance, and drama. Each art form has its unique style, themes, and techniques, which make them stand out from each other.

Paintings of Kumaon

Kumaoni paintings are known for their bold and vibrant colors and intricate designs. They are mostly made on cloth or paper and depict themes related to mythology, religion, and everyday life. Some of the popular Kumaoni painting styles include Aipan, and Pahari paintings.

Sculptures of kumaon

Kumaoni sculptures are unique in their style and technique. They are mostly made of wood or stone and are known for their intricate designs and details. These sculptures depict themes related to gods and goddesses, animals, and everyday life. Some of the popular Kumaoni sculptures include the wooden idols of Golu Devta and the stone carvings of the Sun Temple in Katarmal.

Music of Kumaon

Music is an integral part of Kumaoni folk art. Various folks songs of  such as Bajuband, Chhopati, Jhoda, and Khuded. These songs are sung on various occasions, such as weddings, festivals, and religious ceremonies, and depict themes related to love, nature, and spirituality. Kumaoni music is known for its unique instruments, such as the dhol, damau, and hurka.

Dances of Kumaon

Kumaoni folk dance is an essential part of the region’s cultural heritage. The region has various types of folk dances, such as the Chholiya, Jhumelo, Jhoda, Chappeli and Thali. These dances are usually performed on special occasions and depict themes related to nature, love,religion and spirituality. Kumaoni dance is known for its graceful movements, colorful costumes, and vibrant music.

Drama of Kumaon

Kumaoni folk drama is a unique form of art that is performed by local artists. These dramas depict themes related to social issues, mythology, and everyday life. The actors use masks and colorful costumes to bring their characters to life, and the performances are usually accompanied by music and dance.

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